Scale and Rotation Invariant Matching Using Linearly Augmented Trees


We propose a novel linearly augmented tree method for efficient scale and rotation invariant object matching. The proposed method enforces pairwise matching consistency defined on trees, and high-order constraints on all the sites of a template. The pairwise constraints admit arbitrary metrics while the high-order constraints use L1 norms and therefore can be linearized. Such a linearly augmented tree formulation introduces hyperedges and loops into the basic tree structure, but different from a general loopy graph, its special structure allows us to relax and decompose the optimization into a sequence of tree matching problems efficiently solvable by dynamic programming. The proposed method also works on continuous scale and rotation parameters; we can match with a scale up to any large number with the same efficiency. Our experiments on ground truth data and a variety of real images and videos show that the proposed method is efficient, accurate and reliable.


Hao Jiang, Tai-Peng Tian and Stan Sclaroff, "Scale and Rotation Invariant Matching Using Linearly Augmented Trees", IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2011 (CVPR'11). [PDF]


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